TikTok competition Terms and Conditions

We're having a go at TikTok! Horay! 


This one's easy. All you have to do is:

Follow  @bechunky on TikTok

Like two of our TikTok's (we hope you find some to like - haha)

Comment on one of our TikTok's

Current competiton closes Midnight Sunday 24 November (NZ time)


Our competiton Terms and Conditions:

1. Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into our TikTok Competitions is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Eligibility to Enter

2. Entry is open to everyone! Yay. However, employees and the immediate families of Chunky are not eligible to enter. One entry per user.

3. Entrants under 16 years of age can enter, but competition winners should get permission from a parent before providing a delivery address. A parent's work address would be the safest option.

Competition Stuff

4. The competition period vary - please refer to the top of this page for competition dates. The Competition may be advertised on, but not limited to, Chunky.nz, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

5. The winner will be drawn using a randon prize generator.


6. To participate in the Competition entrants must a. Download and sign into the TikTok mobile Application from the App Store or the Google Play App Store (the “TikTok App”) and upload their video content with the #chunkybottle hashtag and and tag @bechunky

7. Entrants may enter as many times as they wish during the Competition period; however, each entry must be significantly different from any previous entry.

8. Incomprehensible and incomplete entries will be deemed invalid.

9. This is a game of skill; chance plays no part in determining the Winner. Each entry will be individually judged based on creative merit and individual originality. The judges’ decision in relation to any aspect of the competition will be final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into.

10. Entries must be received by the date indicated at the top of this page to be included in the Prize judging. Each valid entry received over the duration of the Competition Period will be entered into the Prize judging. 

11. The time of entry will in each case be the time the online entry is posted on the TikTok App. Chunky and associated agencies accept no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries due to technical disruptions, network congestion or for any other reason. 

12. Chunky is entitled to use any of the entries submitted in any manner and for any purpose at its absolute discretion, including promotional, marketing and publicity purposes without any further reference or payment or other compensation to the entrant. Chunky is entitled to amend, edit, select, crop, retouch, add to or delete from any part of the submitted entry. 

13. The Entrant warrants to Chunky the entry submitted is an original work of the Entrant that does not infringe the rights of any third parties. If the entry or any part of the information provided to the Entrant in relation to the entry was provided by a third party, the Entrant warrants they have obtained the relevant copyright permission to submit the entry for the purposes of this promotion. The entrant agrees to indemnify Chunky against all claims and costs by third parties arising from a breach of the warranty set out in this condition.

14. The Entrant may include other people in their entry video. However, It is the responsibility of the Entrant to ensure all people that feature in the video have consented to being included, and must be 18 years of age or over. 

15. Entries must not be offensive, rude, defamatory or racist. Any entry which the judges deem inappropriate will be invalid. The entrant agrees to indemnify Chunky.

16. The TikTok App account holder is responsible for any activity and/or entries that have been submitted using their device (E.g. Phone, computer, tablet etc). It is the account holder’s sole responsibility to control any and all access to their device. Chunky will not be responsible for any loss, damage or costs incurred as a result of failure to comply with this. Entrants must not use another’s device without express permission from the account holder. 

17. Chunky reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and entrants (including an entrant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any Entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process. Error and omissions will be accepted at Chunky’s discretion. Failure by Chunky to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

18. In consideration for Chunky awarding the prize to the Winner, the Winner hereby permits the Winner’s image and/or voice, as recorded, photographed or filmed during the Winner’s participation in the prize to appear in connection with Chunky or the advertising or marketing thereof, in any media whatsoever through the world and the Winner will not be entitled to any fee for such use.

Winners will be judged from all entries received throughout the Competition Period. The Winner will be the Entrant who, in the sole opinion of the judges, has submitted the entry with the most creative merit and individual originality using the hashtag #chunkybottle and tagging @bechunky. Winners will be contacted via a Direct Message on their TikTok App account or a comment on their winning entry within five (5) days of the competition closing date. The Winner must respond to the Direct Message or comment within three (3) days of the Direct Message or comment being received. Winner’s details will be published in a method as determined by Chunky.

20. An entry that is made on behalf of an Entrant by a third party will be invalid.

21. All reasonable attempts will be made to contact the Winner. If the Prize remains unclaimed by the Winner the prize/s will be re-allocated to the Entrant that has submitted the entry which best meets the judging criteria excluding the Entrant that has failed to claim the prize.